Perfil de Danil KrivoruchkoPerfil de Philipp Pavlov

Foundation Opening Titles

Movimiento en 3D
Apple TV+ Foundation Opening Titles
Based on Isaac Asimov’s timeless sci-fi trilogy, the opening title sequence transports you to a galactic dreamscape filled with rich imagery.

Subtly referencing the cosmic environments depicted from the trilogy itself, the Imaginary Forces team infused vivid 3D animated designscapes with bursts of radiant particles–building an ethereal title sequence that's out of this world.

I was responsible for the look development, animation/simulations, and rendering of 8 out of 14 shots.

creative director: ronnie koff
executive creative director: peter frankfurt
head of production: melody alexander
producer: ryan burcham, steve garfinkel
3d animation: philipp pavlov, danil krivoruchko, brandon lester
2d animation: nicole dileo
design: nicole dileo, brandon savoy, james gardner, ronnie koff
compositor: martin karlsson, joe taylor 
editor: zach kilroy
asst. editor: lexi gunvaldson
composer: bear mccreary
coordinator: jackson kerr
Foundation Opening Titles

Foundation Opening Titles
