"Oneiros è una metafora sul rapporto tra uomo e natura attraverso il racconto di un mondo immaginario, ideale, nato tra il bianco di alberi incantevoli e il nero di acque immobili. in questa immagine onirica l´armonia regna tra la natura e l´uomo che perde il ruolo di signore,di predatore, di omnipossente per tornare a quello di creatura animale, parte e attore di una natura madre."
Translated it sounds more or less like:
Oneiros is a metaphor about man and nature, a tale about an imaginary world made of wonderful white trees and black still waters. In this dream nature lives in harmony with man, who stops being the overlord, the almighty and goes back being an animal, part and actor in Nature's hand.
It was a moment in my life when big decisions were pushing on my back, i used to chill on this river's bank, with a book and the camera. Doing IR at the time meant long exposures, i was away from home almost all day experimenting with water, clouds and winds, trees and grass. And it was paceful, thinking about clouds and leaves instead of people, money, commitments. That moment in time, looking at clouds lying on the roof of a small power station, or under a tree, or on a boat, that moment gave birth to an ideal world where everything is sinergic and in peace, some kind of utopic arcadia.
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Oneiros è una metafora sul rapporto tra uomo e natura attraverso il racconto di un mondo immaginario, ideale, nato tra il bianco di alberi incant Ver mais

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