My pitch
For my summative I will be making an interactive quiz game. The quiz will contain simple questions on math and historic events. For each question asked, there will be 4 choices: 3 wrong and 1 right. Clicking on a wrong answer will bring you to a frame that says “Wrong! Game Over” and a button underneath that will take you back to the beginning. Clicking on the correct answer will take you to a frame that says “Right!” and a button underneath will take you to the next question. Answering every question correctly will take you to a frame that says, “Congratulations! You win!” and a button underneath will take you back to the beginning so you can play again. I chose to do this as my summative because it's easy and fun to create.
Choices will have drop shadows
Backgrounds related to questions
Key Terms
quiz, flash, game, interactive, fun, colourful,
Text Tutorial
Justin-Christopher Beres
2014 summative tutorial
Flash Quiz game Tutorial
The goal of this tutorial is to teach you how to use Flash to create your own interactive quiz game. You will learn the code needed to make clickable symbols go where you want to.
Symbol – A graphic that is stored in your library
Timeline – Allows you to edit your animation and see how long it is
Stage – Where your animation takes place. Anything inside the stage will be seen
-Flash CS5 or higher
-Open Flash and click Actionscript 3.0
-First, make sure the playhead in the timeline is on frame 1, then in the bar just left of the properties panel, click on “code snippets”
-Double click on Timeline Navigation and in the dropdown menu, double click on “Stop at this Frame”
-A window for code will open. Just close it, the code needed here is already applied
-Click the first layer and title it “Background”. Apply your own background to this layer
-Create a new layer and title it “Title” or something else that’s similar
-Write your introduction text on this layer and then make a little box that says “Start”
-Turn the box a symbol by dragging it into your library. To make it clickable, turn it into a button by clicking the dropbox to make the symbol type a button
-Create a new layer and title it “Question 1”
-In the timeline, put a blank keyframe on frame 2 of the Question 1 layer, and a keyframe on frame 2 of your Background layer (or a blank keyframe if you plan to change the background
-Write the text for your first question on the Question 1 layer
-On the same frame and layer, write the choices you’d like to give to answer the question. Each of these have to become their own separate button symbol
-Now that you have the second frame completed, go back to your Title layer on the first frame. Click on the Start button once, so it’s highlighted, and then click on Code Snippets. Under Timeline Navigation click on “Go to Frame and Stop”
-In the code box, at the bottom of the code there will be a line that says “gotoAndStop (5);”. Change the number in the brackets to the frame you want to go to when you click the start button; in this case you will put 2 to go to frame 2 when you click it.
-Close the code box
-In frame 3 make a new layer titled “Question Wrong” and put a blank keyframe here in the timeline, and in the Background layer
-In the Question Wrong layer, write text in it that exclaims you have chosen the wrong answer to question 1
-Create a new symbol and apply code to it so it goes back to the first frame when clicked
-In frame 2, apply code to the wrong choices to the answer so that they go to frame 3 when clicked
-Make a new layer, title it “Right Answer”, put the blank keyframe on frame 4, and apply code to the right answer in frame 2 so that it goes to this frame when clicked
-Write text that exclaims you chose the correct answer
-If you want there to be more questions, then make a new button that says “Continue”, and then make a new layer titled “Question 2” for the next frame and repeat the process of creating questions that lead to new frames until you’re done


My summative for Animation. I will be making a flash game.


Creative Fields