This project was a paid commission to design a logo for an esthetician who wishes to start her own studio. The definition of the name is 'beautiful face' derived from Papiamento (the primary language spoken on Aruba, in the Caribbean). Although the practice will be in Europe, the client has lived in the island for around 10 years, and wanted to use the language to remind her of the island.
Collect Materials & Ideation
During the consultations, the vision of the client was to make the logo obvious to viewers to show that their service has to do with a person's face.

Below you can see the different inspiration walls I have come up with to help visualize the client's vision. I looked for portrait photographs faceless shots, and lastly to lineart. Additionally, searched Adobe Fonts and played with letters to match some of the materials I have collected.
Out of the boards of the ideation, the client liked the lineart the most and the typography with the least amount of details.

Afterwards, the client described how they wished their business cards to look. They wanted the logo to 'look down at the name from the upper left corner. So I made some drafts to adhere to the client's request.

Lastly, I made some mockups of the chosen drafts to start finalizing the logo.
This commission was to design the logo, therefore this model below is not the actual photograph of the product; this mock-up was made on Figma by using the Vectary 3D Elements plugin. However, designed based on the description of the client.