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Everything Your Kids Need For School

Everything Your Kids Need For School

Packing kids' school bags for tomorrow can seem daunting to a parent. Here are some things your kids will need to have with them to ensure they're prepared for the day ahead.

1) Homework diary and assignment notebook

If kids have been given any homework, it's always useful to keep a record of it in their diary, so that they can check off each task as it is completed. In addition, kids should also bring along a notebook in which they can write their assignments down when they get home from school to save having to remember what they did all morning at recess or break time. The notebook would be particularly valuable if kids haven't been assigned homework but need somewhere to take notes in class instead.

2) Pencil case
It's a good idea for kids to have their very own pencil case with them, as it is likely they will be less tempted to borrow a pen or a pencil from someone else if they know they have their very own supplies with them. It's also always good to have extras on hand in the event of kids merely forgetting some writing utensils at home. Don't forget to include kids' school labels if kids are likely to lose their belongings or have them mixed up with someone else's.

3) Lunchbox
This one seems obvious, but kids can't eat without lunchboxes! If kids do forget theirs, then you'll need to provide an alternative such as disposable containers or plastic bags, so that kids can still pack some lunches and snacks before school each day. Make sure your kids remember their water bottles too- no one wants a dehydrated child.

4) Sports gear kids need for any after-school activities
While some kids may not be interested in sports, it's likely that your kids will participate in at least one area like computer games or music while they're at school. If kids are going to a club or participating in another activity, then make sure they have the correct equipment with them so that they can get changed into their special clothes and shoes when they get home from school. For example, if kids have dance classes on Mondays, then wear suitable shoes and bring a change of clothes with you so you don't have to waste time searching the house for a matching sock if kids forget!

5) Extra clothing items
Kids tend to be active during recess and break time, which means they are likely to get themselves dirty. Always make sure kids have a spare set of clothes in their bags for this reason.

6) Hairbrush and hair accessories
Hair gets messy during the day, no matter how hard kids try not to be active! To avoid kids having hair full of knots and tangles by the end of the day, kids should have a hairbrush and some combs or accessories with them at school.

7) Plenty of water bottles
Here's another obvious one, kids must stay hydrated! Kids should come equipped with a reasonable amount of water bottles so that they can drink throughout the day.

8) Snacks to keep kids going until lunchtime
If kids don't have any snacks in their bag for recess, then they will be hungry later on, which means kids won't perform as well as they would if they had eaten something during breaktime. Make sure kids' bags are stocked up with healthy snacks such as dried fruit or cereal bars for this reason.

9) SPF sunscreen or protective clothing to avoid sunburn
Kids should be careful to protect themselves from the sun, particularly if kids are going to be outside for a long time. Always make sure kids have plenty of sunscreen to reapply throughout the day or some protective clothing that will keep kids safe.

10) First aid kit
If kids are involved in extracurricular activities then kids may fall over at some point and could sustain an injury. A simple first aid kit with plasters, bandages, antibacterial creams etc is really useful when kids get hurt at school.

11) Sweets to share with kids
Nobody likes to sit around the playground at lunchtime feeling hungry, especially kids. Make sure kids have some sweets or lollies for this reason.

12) A personalised school bag kids love using!
Last but not least, kids need to love their school bags so that they use them willingly! If kids are carrying a plain rucksack kids don't like, then kids will be less likely to take it with them every day. Personalised kids' bags by decorating them in bright colours and making kids feel special.

13) Extra shoes to keep kids change ready
Kids should always keep one or two pairs of extra shoes at school so that they're never caught out if kids forget their indoor shoes and need an emergency replacement pair! One idea is to buy kids some comfy slip-on trainers for this reason.

14) Lunch that kids will eat!
Kids need to eat during the day if kids want kids' brains to function at full capacity. If kids don't like their packed lunches, kids won't eat them and kids will be hungry later on. Make sure kids have some good quality foods with them such as ham or cheese sandwiches and fruit for this reason.

15) Something fun for breaktime
Having some toys in school bags is a great way of keeping kids entertained between lessons during breaktime. For example, kids could pack a few puzzles, stickers or small board games such as sudoku that kids can play on their own or with friends.

16) A book kids like to read!
If kids get bored of kids' school books, kids will struggle to read them and kids won't learn anything new. Keep kids' bags stocked up with short children's books that kids enjoy before you start working through the bigger books that kids have at school.

17) Everything labelled clearly
Last but not least, all the contents of kids' bags should be labelled so that schools can identify which bag belongs to kids if kids lose kids' bags or kids leave kids' bags on the bus. Place personalised name stickers inside kids' coats, lunchboxes and school books for this reason.

Everyone needs to be able to find kids' homework in kids' lunches at some point! Labelling everything is really important so that everyone knows where kids' belongings are. If kids have different sets of organised stationery items then kids can pick them up easily without having to spend ages looking through every pencil case, pencil tin etc. Ensure all name labels are clear and bright so they're easy to read too - it's no fun standing by a lunchbox trying to decipher someone else's handwriting! It's also useful to pack spare clothes in case kids need them - just imagine arriving at school and kids realising kids have forgotten kids' indoor shoes or kids' PE kit! If kids need to take kids' coats with kids then make sure they're clearly labelled too.

Hopefully, this list of things to put in kids' bags has given everyone some inspiration for what to include in kids' school bags, or at least made you think about ways that you can update your own children's backpacks - it doesn't matter how old kids are; we all want our kids to be as comfortable and happy as possible during the school day.

Everything Your Kids Need For School

Everything Your Kids Need For School

