The concept of these paper rings - Wings comes from the theme of the project HOLDING TIME.

In my opinion, time has the ability to heal. Time can make bad things that have happened become better in the future. As the saying goes, time heals all wounds. Although it is tough, people eventually come out from the past, it is just a matter of time. The healing power of time reminds me of humans with hidden angel wings - angels in white, or nurses, who take care of patients and help them recover.

The angel wings are the most significant symbol of an angel, it also contains many positive meanings such purity, love and protection. It is believed that everyone has a guardian angel around. Therefore, I created a series of ring designs with the theme of 'wings.

The number of wings differentiates the hierarchy of angels, such as the Cherubim with four wings, and Seraphim with six wings. I took inspiration from this grading system and used different amounts of wings (2, 4, 6 and 8 wings) in each design. Using paper in white, highlighting the purity of angel wings.

My goal is to remind people who wear these rings they are never alone and to provide the power of faith. Every additional wing represents an additional group of love and cares that you have found and cherished. although they are not physically by your side, as long as you encounter stressful events, you can look at those rings and be reminded of your loved ones as if they are by your side.

Paper Rings - Wings


Paper Rings - Wings


Kreative områder