Jessica D'Elenas profil

Phare Tower by Morphosis Architects

Phare Tower
13.4” x 19.5”, hardcover
The Phare Tower is a visionary and monumental reimagining of high-rise architecture, currently under construction in central La Defense, France. As described in Morphosis Building and Projects (Volume V): "Drawing on the power of parametric scripting, the design of the Phare Tower gathers disparate programmatic, physical, and infrastructural elements from the requirements of the building and its surrounding context, and synthesizes these into a form that seamlessly integrates the building into the idiosyncrasies of its site while expressing multiple flows of movement. In the spirit of the Paris Exposition competition proposals, the tower embodies state-of-the-art technological advances to become a cultural landmark."
This book was designed and produced as an exhibition catalog celebrating the project’s conceptual models, which in and of themselves, proved to be as innovative and advanced as the building they represented. Presented as a gift to then French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, the publication’s typography and graphical elements celebrate the script-generated skin technology, embodying the “living surface” system that describes the building’s façade.  
Phare Tower by Morphosis Architects

Phare Tower by Morphosis Architects

Exhibition catalog covering the Phare Tower (La Defense, France) high-rise project models designed and fabricated by Morphosis Architects.
