Profilo di Anca Gabriela Zosin

Pattern contest By Designmuseum Danmark

Pattern contest By Designmuseum Danmark


Early January 2022, the Design Museum Denmark has organised a Pattern contest where they asked their followers to submit their designs by taking a picture of their favourite pattern or something they made themselves. 

So I did! I often photograph natural elements and for this competition, I chose the lemon. The actual photo was taken last year, in April, outdoors using natural light.

Why lemons? Aside from the saying "When life gives you lemons...", yes, we know, you make lemonade. But, also, lemons and the yellow colour (The Sun) is a true source of energy, is invigorating, and boost one's creativity + many more physical and psychological benefits. Read more about the meaning of yellow.

Color is emotion! This particular yellow pattern design is meant to give the energy that we need to go through either a personal grey day or a global pandemic.​​​​​​​
The actual photo was taken last year, in April, outdoors, using natural light.
The rows are not your typical 6x6, instead are made by 5x6. 🍋
ColorContrast. These are the two elements I believe to be my trademark (if I have any). From monochrome to bold, these photos are uplifting, bring instant joy, but also ask you to slow down, stay still (no.3). 
Image Palette 
Patterns, colors, 🍋 and contrast on Social Media
I made a few versions, and here are the ones I decided not to submit to the contest. 
They will probably look good on print. 
Check out 👉 Designmuseum Danmark

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Pattern contest By Designmuseum Danmark

Pattern contest By Designmuseum Danmark
