location: 15 Reytars’ka st., Kyiv, Ukraine
area: -1 floor / 95 m2
completed: 2021
team: Oleg Volosovskiy, Slava Kvitka, Natalya Galtseva
photo credits: Dmytro Adamov

So we got down to planning and design minus the first floor. The already existing small area around the tree received the function of a “common zone” with the task of integrating into the technological process of the other three business residents. Three types of landing for 45 seats are made of stainless steel, plywood, and metal. and two kinds of specially designed chairs. A labyrinth of flowing radial transits boldly united the establishment’s employees and guests. No barriers or restrictions.
The primary and most unexpected dominant of the space is the pool. When we arrived at the facility, valuable space was already resting under a fresh concrete slab. Oleg Volosovskiy inspired the idea to bring him back to life, giving him an unexpected function – a coffee roasting theatre. The slab above the pool was opened, turning it into a space with two plantings, a finished goods warehouse, and a two-level rack for a roaster roasting coffee beans.
A huge cone-shaped crystal chandelier, directed from the ceiling to the center of the “theatre,” creates a sense of the establishment’s monumentality, enhancing the vertical space’s effect.

Coffee and wine bars have become two other accents of the space. A compact bathroom is located under the stairs, a visit that will remind the guest of a flight on an airplane.

A bright accent of the location is an art gallery with paintings from the private collection of Oleg Volosovskiy. 

The project was completed in 1 month.

call: +380503740280 (ua), +32469140706 (eu)
message (telegram): +380993683738



The primary and most unexpected dominant of the space is the pool. When we arrived at the facility, valuable space was already resting under a fr Read More
