​​​​​​​福隆禮水產 FU LONG LI|烏魚子禮盒包裝設計

​​​​​​​福隆禮水產 FU LONG LI 
烏魚子禮盒包裝設計 Packaging Design


Every winter is a good season for the abundance of mullet. It is an extremely precious gift from heaven to Taiwan. It has unique environmental advantages and brings rich catches to fishermen. It is known as "black gold". Fulong Li, located in Ziguan, Kaohsiung, strictly selected Taiwan Wild cuttlefish seeds, adhered to the pure manual quality, pickled with a unique formula, low salt and low sodium, which is more in line with modern people's attention to health, and made by traditional sun according to the ancient method, creating a mellow aroma and excellent taste, so it captured the taste buds of many gourmets.
The black fish roe gift box packaging design is divided into two box shapes: whole piece packaging and ready to eat one mouthful. The overall visual atmosphere is based on the concept of "ocean", and the black fish pattern is drawn through illustration to show young and lively thinking. In the color plan, the bright orange of black fish roe is matched with the blue symbolizing the deep sea to show clear identification elements, The fish scales are decorated with bronzing, which also reveals the value of honor in the deep sea. In addition, it skillfully creates a school of fish swimming in the sea, echoes the image of wild mullet migration, and adds a new side to Taiwan's traditional cuisine.​​​​​​​
專案類型 Type|包裝設計 Packaging
客戶 Client|福隆禮 FU LONG LI
設計單位 Design Agency|物形設計研究室
創意指導 Creative Director|Mark Chen
包裝設計 Packaging Design|Mark Chen Longtime Tu
攝影 Photographer|Férguson Chang
專案年份 Year|2021

​​​​​​​福隆禮水產 FU LONG LI|烏魚子禮盒包裝設計

Project Made For

​​​​​​​福隆禮水產 FU LONG LI|烏魚子禮盒包裝設計

每年的冬天正是烏魚盛產的好時節,是一份來自上天賜予臺灣極為珍貴的恩賜,擁有得天獨厚的環境優勢,為漁民帶來豐厚的漁獲,譽稱為「烏金」。位於高雄梓官的福隆禮嚴選臺灣野生烏魚子,堅持純手工品質,以獨門配方低鹽低鈉醃漬更符合現代人對健康的重視,並依循古法採用傳統日曬製成,造就出醇厚香氣與絕佳口感, Read More
