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call transcription services


Transcription as we know of it is the art of converting audio to text. Transcription has become very popular lately due to the benefits it carries. The world is changing rapidly and so is the way we work. The Work environment has experienced a major shift in recent times to optimize functionality and enhance growth. To do so multiple practices have been adopted. One thing that organizations, companies and professionals focus primarily on is optimizing communication which lies at the heart of an effective and efficient workplace. 

With more and more people aiming to transcribe audio to text, the transcription services have also increased and transcription has evolved into an industry. With so many options out there it’s become really hard to pick one but after extensive research and assessing available transcription services on three primary indicators, we can confidently state that Servixer llc is the best amongst all transcription services out there for your various kinds of transcriptions.

WHAT IS TRANSCRIPTION and where can I find the best Transcription Services Companies?

Transcription can simply be defined as a service of converting audio and video files into written text files. Corporate, academics and even individuals have been availing online transcription services for various reasons.

TYPES OF TRANSCRIPTION offered by Transcription Services Companies Transcription has generally been categorized into two types, verbatim and non-verbatim. Verbatim transcription converts your speech into text exactly as it is spoken or uttered whereas, non-verbatim transcription can be taken as a summary or an overview of the entire conversation highlighting the key points of the speech. 
There are many Transcription Services Companies  offering verbatim and non-verbatim services to help you optimize and enhance your communication.

Factors to consider when looking for Transcription Services Companies:

The whole point behind the concept of transcription is to preserve conversations and to make communication more effective and comprehensible for all. There are some factors you can’t afford to neglect when looking for the best Transcription Services Companies. . 
1. Accuracy
2. Affordability
3. Turnaround time

This is the most important indicator amongst all. Transcription is all about accurately writing down the speech of a customer to it’s very full stop. A slightest bit of a mistake can not only be troublesome but at worst may lead to allegations of misquoting or tampering one’s speech so compromising on accuracy is never an option.
This indicator is not just specific to transcription services but even generally speaking, every customer is concerned about the pricing and rightfully so. Usually the rates charged for audio transcription start off from $1.50 and may go as high as $3 or so  which may vary from company to company. Offering the most reasonable and affordable rates competitively would definitely incline customers towards your company.
Turnaround time:
Turnaround time is basically the amount of time taken to complete a process. Turnaround time is paramount if you intend on ranking the highest amongst all transcription services out there. Customers who want audio transcription are generally in haste and except to get their audio transcription served to them in the least amount of time. Generally the timespan in which an audio transcription is delivered to the customer lies between 24 to 48 hours depending on various factors.
These are the three primary indicators which separates the best transcription service from the rest. Servixer llc in my opinion has cemented itself as the best option based on all these indicators. If you are a company who needs their calls, videos, audios etc transcribed and you want to make sure that there is an accuracy like none other then Servixer is the place to get your files transcribed.
We offer human based transcription with the most affordable rates.
To get to know more about Servixer llc.

call transcription services

call transcription services
