Profilo di Voon Wong

Teh (Tea) Time Series

Teh (Tea) Time Series
My father loves teh. He used to go to the kopitiam (local coffee shop) after a long day of teaching in high school. He knew almost all of the people in the kopitiam. That was his social network.

Back then, he drank teh, which is tea with condensed milk. My brother and I would beg him to bring us with him. And very rarely, we would get to go with him.

I have since moved away and lived in the U.S. for a couple of decades now, but I still miss going to kopitiam with my father. I miss having teh time with him. Now, I long to go back to Malaysia, visit my parents, and try to squeeze out all the teh time opportunities with my father.

The kopitiam business has changed in Malaysia. Major brands have entered the market, i.e. Starbucks, bubble tea chains, etc. But my father still loves his kopitiam. He now drinks teh-si-kosong, which is tea with evaporated milk without sugar.

I hope to paint some sweet memories about having teh with my father. I hope I will always have teh with him. For now, I think will start having tea, ice coffee, bubble tea, smoothie, or juice with my children.
Teh & Toast #1
Watercolor on paper, 12" x 18"
USD $1,200

Teh & Toast #2
Watercolor on paper, 12" x 18"
USD $1,200

Teh Time with A Friend
Watercolor on paper, 12" x 18"
USD $1,200

Teh Time with Father
Watercolor on paper, 12" x 18"
USD $1,200

Teh Time Alone
Watercolor on paper, 18" x 12"
USD $1,200

Teh (Tea) Time Series


Teh (Tea) Time Series
