Woven fabric using ATBM (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin). Inspired by the natural beauty of Bali Island. Made by recycled fabric using natural dye from indigofera tinctoria extract, biancaea sappan extract, mango leaves extract, mahogany leaves extract, and terminalia catappa leaves extract.

Inspired by the nature origins before human intervention, powerful and overflowing. Using techniques such as tapestry weaving, macrame, and crochet. Made by cotton fiber, copper wire, leather, coconut fiber, hemp rope, acrylic yarn, suede fabric, cotton yarn, and wool fiber.

"BENIH" by Ong Cen Kuang
2 x 2 m artwork using techniques such as tapestry weaving, macrame, knitting and crochet.

"Selembar Mada"
a woven fabric using ATBM (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin). This colorscheme inspired by happiness mood.
Weaving Projects


Weaving Projects
