A school assignment that started off as an exploration into Terms & Services of companies. I decided to focus my attention on the social media giant due to the vast amout of time people (including myself) spend on it.
I was curious about the connection between "I Agree" and the growing revenue of Facebook. The exploitation of people by offering free usage of a service in exchange for their personal and/or professional data. I was interested in seeing how the evolution from user-friendliness has come to the concept of "If You're Not Paying for It; You're the Product"

Facebook can probably best described through the the fable about 'The Scorpion and the Frog' where Facebook promises to change personal data usage for the best while actually trying to invent new ways how to market it and increase their revenue.
This infographic was completed back in autumn of 2012 so certain parts of information have changed.
Facebook infograph
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