Profil appartenant à Sara Rothwell

One Dozen Months (National Calendar Awards 2014)

The idea for this calendar came from thinking three dimensionally for the number twelve and stumbling across the term dozen, from this I made the link back to a dozen eggs. I chose to make the eggs using origami techniques, with a repeat pattern that changes from month to month with a gradual colour change that links with the different seasons. The origami structure is delicate which also links back to eggs.
The eggs are placed in the box following the months in a clockwise order, when lifting out each egg there is the first letter from each month located in the bottom of the container to help individuals identify each month easily. When unravelling an egg the individual is presented with a clean and simple layout of the calendar for that particular month.
The egg box packaging itself makes use of the repeat pattern and simple typography. I have also added a subtle touch by using the date that is usually presented on all egg boxes there is a display date and a best before date. There is a six days difference between the eggs shelf life and best before date. ­­The display date just so happens to fall on the 25th December, Christmas day that is the day that the majority of people receive a calendar as a present. The best before date is the last day of the year 31st December, the individual should use the calendar before the end of the year. 
One Dozen Months (National Calendar Awards 2014)
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One Dozen Months (National Calendar Awards 2014)

My idea for submission to the National Calendar Awards 2014 - One Dozen Months

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