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Gresham Furniture website pitch

Gresham Furniture website pitch
OK! So sometimes, for one reason or another, usually outside our control, a client wont proceed with a project you've been enthusing over for weeks. Be it their budgets have suddenly shrunk or the MD has found a long lost cousin who's son has just finished school and has a copy of Dreamweaver. For whatever reason, this was one of those occasions.

The site was designed to develop upon a well established brand which was succeeding well when transferred into printed material, but seemed to be struggling to convey the product ranges and complex options available when displayed on line. These mock page layouts concentrated on re-enforcing and  interlocking with the brochures and catalogues Gresham already produced by mirroring established elements and devices and introducing a colour coding system which reflected a number of key colours used consistently throughout their vast photography library.
Gresham Furniture website pitch

Gresham Furniture website pitch

Pitch designs for the new Gresham website.

