Profilo di Anthony Serraino

Marvel / Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N / Exhibit

Motion Design & 3D Animation
Client: Marvel
Studio: Wildlife
Creative Director: Scott Friedman
Producer: Brandon Del Nero
Animation/Compositing: Anthony Serraino, Christian Haberkern & Wildlife Staff
Marvel Avenger S.T.A.T.I.O.N. (Scientific. Training. And. Tactical. Intelligence. Operative. Network.) is an interactive exhibit in Cardiff, Toronto, and Las Vegas. It features props and wardrobes from the movies, facts & informative screens about the laboratories, Avengers & villans, Stages laboratories set that you have seen in your favorite movie, plus games and training exercises for you to become the next Avenger and save the universe.
Wildlife was tasked with re-freshing the walking tour and the preexisting content for the facts & informative screens about the laboratories, Avengers & villans screens. I had the opportunity to develop an animate style and animate the designed refreshed screens for Captain America shield technology, Red Skull & Winter Soldier Bio Lab, Ultron, Dum-E Robot & F.R.I.D.A.Y., Black Widow walking tour, and Ant-Man walking tour. The launch of the refresh was set to start in the summer 0f 2019. With some set construction delays, and COVID-19 pushing the launch, I can finally feature the project. Please enjoy the montage, examples, and images of the exhibit showing the result in action!
Project Key-Frames
Walk-through the Vegas & Toronto Exhibit
Thank you to Arienne - SeeYouSoonTravelExplore Travel TV & Ordinary Adventures for the use their footage of the exhibit.
Marvel / Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N / Exhibit

Marvel / Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N / Exhibit
