Alisha Tongs profil

UX Design for Youth Hostel - Po Leung Kuk Youth Oasis

UX Design for Youth Hostel
Po Leung Kuk Youth Oasis
This is a mobile app experience designed for Po Leung Kuk Youth Oasis, a Youth Hostel that provide spaces to accommodate working youth aged between 18 to 30.

Group Project

My Role
Graphic Design
UI Design

Po Leung Kuk Youth Oasis
Provide spaces to accommodate working youth aged between 18 to 30. Youth Development Services will be in place to help expand their interpersonal networks, facilitate sharing, self-actualization and promote social responsibility.

Target Audience
Working youth aged between 18 and 30.

UX Design for Youth Hostel - Po Leung Kuk Youth Oasis


UX Design for Youth Hostel - Po Leung Kuk Youth Oasis


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