Warm-up Euro 2020
Product designer Lead UX/UI
I had the privilege of serving as a Product Designer and leading the UX/UI team. My role involved guiding the design team and aligning our work with the company's business requirements. Throughout this journey, I took on the responsibility of overseeing the entire Product Design process, which included collaborative efforts with stakeholders, conducting UX research, mapping problems, gaining insights, ideation, creating wireframes, developing prototypes, designing high-fidelity UI screens, and crafting user flow maps and scenarios.
In anticipation of the Eurocup promotion, our team strategically seized the opportunity to enhance awareness surrounding this competition by instituting a PreEuro promotion. This proactive approach was adopted to maximize client engagement and augment revenue streams. The foresight behind this initiative was to capitalize not only during the PreEuro promotion but also to sustain momentum into the subsequent Euro Cup promotion, ensuring a seamless transition and sustained impact on revenue generation.
​​​​​​​mong stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing short nd point of views​​​​​​​
- Increase number of bets during this period time
- Engage our customers in a fun and thrilling competition
- Brand awareness
- Preparation for next promotion
g new ideas and point of views
- Early tests among stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing short orative tools to present the process and keep everybody on track with the process is priceless
Prior to project commencement, a strategic meeting was convened to delineate the project's distinct phases. Invitations were extended to all pertinent teams, fostering a collaborative environment for the purpose of ideation and the establishment of development timelines.
- Involving as many departments as possible at the beginning of the processes is very beneficial to bring new ideas and point of views
- Early tests among stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing short tive tools to present the process and keep everybody on track with the process is priceless
A/B Test
Prior to proceeding, two internal prototypes were assessed for user experience. The team faced a decision dilemma between two navigation styles, prompting the implementation of an AB test to determine the optimal solution. The vertical scroll emerged as the preferred choice, as it resonated with our users' familiarity, aligning with prevalent navigation patterns observed in various products within our portfolio.
- Involving as many departments as possible at the beginning of the processes is very beneficial to bring new ideas and point of views
- Early tests among stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing short  tools to present the process and keep everybody on track with the process is priceless
Various scenarios were meticulously crafted to anticipate and analyze potential user behaviors during navigation. Given the diverse ways users can interact with the product, a comprehensive approach was taken to encompass all conceivable possibilities.
- Involving as many departments as possible at the beginning of the processes is very beneficial to bring new ideas and point of views
- Early tests among stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing short cut to deliver a more final prototype to real user testing
- Collaborative tools to present the process and keep everybody on track with the process is priceless
Prototype low-fi
Internally launched the initial test involving stakeholders and diverse teams. Identified and addressed flaws revealed in preparation for the final tests with real customers.
- Involving as many departments as possible at the beginning of the processes is very sts among stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing short cut to deliver a more final prototype to real user testing
- Collaborative tools to present the process and keep everybody on track with the process is priceless
Post-testing, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the results, consolidating our findings into a presentation using PowerPoint for our stakeholders. The focus was on showcasing identified pain points in the user experience, accompanied by the presentation of our proposed solutions.
- Involving as many departments as possible at the beginning of the processes is very beneficial to bring new ideas and point of views
- Early tests among stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing sho
- Collaborative tools to present the process and keep everybody on track with the process is priceless
The user testing phase consistently stands out as the most enlightening stage in any project I've participated in. Interacting with users, closely observing their reactions, and understanding their behavior while engaging with our product has always been a tremendous source of insight and satisfaction. The current project was no exception, as we found ourselves genuinely impressed by the wealth of observable results that emerged from the user testing process.
- Involving as many departments as possible at the beginning of the processes is very beneficial to bring new ideas and point of views
- Early tests among stakeholders and other teams inside the company is a amazing short cut to deliver a more final prototype to real user testing
- Collaborative tools to present the process and keep everybody on track with the process is priceless
After numerous tests, we couldn't help but be proud of our stellar product! With an intuitive navigation system and a standout visual appeal, we hit the sweet spot. And guess what? Our clients showered us with compliments during the promotions. They were absolutely thrilled with the experience – talk about a win-win!
her teams the company is a amazing short cut to deliver a more final prototype to real user testing​​​​​​​
Takeaways / What I learned
- Engaging a multitude of departments at the project's outset proves highly advantageous, fostering a diverse influx of ideas and perspectives.
- Conducting preliminary tests among stakeholders and internal teams within the company is a fantastic opportunity, paving the way for a more refined prototype for the end user.
- Leveraging collaborative tools to showcase the process and maintain alignment across all stakeholders is truly invaluable.
Warm-up Euro 2020
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