Filter Free
This project is a social good campaign that focuses on spreading awareness of the negative effects that edited photos in social media can cause in relation to body image. The demographic for this project is teenage girls. The goal is to encourage these girls to love themselves by posting "filter free" to facilitate self-love. 
For this project, I started by creating thumbnail sketches to put down my ideas onto paper. I then went on to create more refined drafts before going into Adobe Illustrator and working on digital drafts. 
refined sketches
digital drafts
Final Files
For my final pieces, I chose to create a poster set, a magazine spread, an Instagram post set, and a guerilla mirror display. These pieces were all chosen because of their accessibility to my young demographic. I wanted to create a happy and encouraging atmosphere with my displays in order to bolster the confidence of my demographic. The mirror display was used because of the popularity of the "mirror selfie." The display encourages the audience to post a filter free photo. 
Filter Free


Filter Free
