Élodie Ascenci's profile

"Ce que je n'ai jamais osé (m')avouer"

"Ce que je n'ai jamais osé (m')avouer"
In my book “Ce que je n'ai jamais osé (m')avouer" ("What I never dared confess”), I share my love of writing without self-censorship in my diaries that have been piling up for over 10 years now, and my beliefs about the sweet magic that takes place when you verbalize what we want to experiment in our life ...

This is a guided writing notebook to make peace with yourself (and free yourself from your little ghosts) thanks to a hundred questions that allow you to see more clearly your desires, your fears, your dreams, and find emotional anvils that weigh down on our shoulders.
"Ce que je n'ai jamais osé (m')avouer"

"Ce que je n'ai jamais osé (m')avouer"
