This image was me trying out my own filter using the Spark AR app on my laptop, opening and closing my mouths when the heart hits the top of the screen. Using my time wisely on this task, I had individually draw and illustrate the hearts and mouth and then adding the same sort of movement on both drawings to create the effect of someone kissing and hearts encouraging love. The whole filter was created to enable Depop to use on their website to encourage to buy their products.
These hearts were used for an art project where we were asked to create some fashion face filters for Depop, the clothing brand, using a software called 'spark AR' which enabled us to create the features moving and using them on peoples faces. The hearts were because I designed the face filter to engage when the person opens their mouth, then adding the filter on top of the lips enabled me to add some movement. The face filter was tried out by me, when opening my mouth, it enabled the heart eyes to move long with the lips, like you're blowing a kiss to your crush. This filter worked pretty well due to my illustrations and learning the step-by-step instructions off my tutor, which gave me the opportunity to make the filter move and to add more of an artistic style to it. The filter didn't have to be fashion related, which is why I decided to create another filter that was more of a stylistic choice of fashion and would show off my artistic skills using other materials and apps to try and get the right grades. 
This little video was in aid of trying to make sure my filter worked and to demonstrate how it works to the people using it. The filter works by opening and closing your mouth, so the lips disappear and then reappear when the hearts reach the top of the screen. Using the app procreate, it had enabled me to add the details. Doing some complicated steps in order to make the filter move and zoom in, we had to use the plane filter in Spark AR to move both of the filters at the same time but at different speeds. 
Face Filters for Depot

Face Filters for Depot
