The aim of this project is to improve some design concepts on Sigma-Aldrich website, to make shopping experience easier for users.  


There is two types of result for search engine  
a) Showing the content of website as search result 
b) Showing the products to sell under this word
These are two different categories and can't be shown under one column. 

Over Choice options - It is confusing for the users to see so many option for a search at first. They must scroll along to find their right one, because there is also no particular order of importance in filter section on the left.  

sugested solutions

Solution for problem one
Law of Proximity: objects that are near, or proximate to each other, tend to be grouped together.
The search results consist two different categories. we could make the difference noticeable by placing them in different sections. For more unity, I brought the content suggestions for search directly under search engine, that the user doesn't set it as a group with filtering items for products.  

Solution for problem two 

Hick’s Law: the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.

Miller’s Law: the average person can only keep 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their working memory.

It would be useful to suggest the user some limited important choices at first. when needed, they can find more options under "show more".  





Creative Fields