Design Development
The idea of foundation is also closely tie to the natural topography of Taliesin. The design starts from imitating the landscape.

The concept of the project is made up by 3 fragments - experience and education, meet at the bar of reflection. We intended to emphasize on the center soul of the building as a point of reflection from what we learned along the journey. The language of continuity also carried outward from the center, allowing further exploration and extension of experience.
Context & Site
Building Structure
Climate Studio Integration
Scrim Design Inspiration
The scrim design is inspired by the Oak tree at FLW house. As FLW would rest at the the tea circle oak with his client or apprentice, chatting and getting inspired, we think why not we bring the same thing, the nature, the inspiration into the building itself. The pattern derived from basic form of oak leaves, and create through a series of transformation and tessellation, understanding how nature live form grows from the core seed, and how it could blossom into more beautiful thing.
Wright Architectural Learning Center


Wright Architectural Learning Center
