Profil appartenant à Federico J. Ruggeri A.Profil appartenant à IXE Multimedial

Nonsense - Motion Graphic Mapping Animation

Event Mapping
University Motion Graphics project

The project consisted of doing a motion graphics animation that would be a good visual show in an event using the mapping technique, which is a projection of videos onto complex surfaces. For this case, the base surface would be made with different white prisms pasted into a big wide wall.

I've chosen to represent a fraction of a song I liked: Nonsense by Madeon. As I've interpreted the lyrics, for me the song talked about having crushes and sort of failing in relationships consistently, besides being truthful and having plenty of love on your side. Hence the nonsense, both for the unexplainable apparition and characteristics of love, and for the random rejection or failure feeling and love draining; "Keep crushing all my love like this".
​​​​​​​These are the reasons why I went for representations such as:

- A mixture of energetic colors and shapes (love), with random symbols (non-reciprocity).

- A constant travel with immense space vibrance associated with the feeling and power of love.

- Various colors going around dynamically for the same reasons.

- Their apparitions, arrangement, and rhythm would mimic the different elements of the song visually; drum, snare, lead instruments, voices, etc.

- A love Roulette, which had white hearts or black empty spaces, 
representing this feeling of random hit or failure in love.

- A hand with fingers walking alone in the streets, represents loneliness as it would be expressed with very low energy to somebody. Like "I feel alone in the dark, like this..." and proceeds to move his fingers.

- Various typographies, different positioning, and rotation of them in relation to the different persons, the variety of their characteristics and experiences.

- A small inoffensive robot singing the robotic lyrics, in the representation of oneself in this trial and error love journey, who is cute and lovely but patched.

- I also used the original video distributed repeatedly across the wide wall sometimes to let the spectators see the original content, and because it showed a couple, which is a nice contrast for the lonely walking fingers for example.

- Nonsense by Madeon​​​​​​​
Nonsense - Motion Graphic Mapping Animation
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Nonsense - Motion Graphic Mapping Animation

Motion Graphic Mapping Animation for a hypothetical music event, where the projection is set as shown and the selected music visualization is the Lire la suite

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