Creative Vitamin is an interactive word-a-day challenge for creatives. 

Use Creative Vitamin to get those creative juices flowing, get out of a rut, or as a break to think creatively about something different for a moment. Changing it up is good, which is why we provide a new word-a-day as a VitaChallenge, or prompt. 

Do something daily as your prescription for continuted creativity.
Visit the site at
On the homepage, you can see a gallery of the submissions of the daily term. 
I chose to issue the VitaChallenge daily, as opposed to alternative sites that give prompts in advance. This way you are inspired by your daily surroundings, create in the moment!
Creative Vitamin

Creative Vitamin

Creative Vitamin is an interactive word-a-day challenge for creatives. As a designer, I am attracted to waking up to a new concept each day, no a Read More
