Papersmith Studios profil

Elysian Brewing - Paper Stop Motion Commercial

For the launch of the new craft beer Elysian Brewing we made 2 brand films that were a mixture of stop motion alongside VFX to bring the visual world together. 

The scale of the films were to be impressive, for the world wasn’t to have a cute feel with obvious miniatures.  In total we had 7 large scale sets, the most elaborate being 24ft long with 74 building, 43 of which had a their own animation sequence. 

Director - Jared Eberhardt
Production Design - Papersmith
DOP - Ralph Kaechele 
Production Company - Partizan
Animation Studio - Screen Novelties
Agency - VSA Partners Inc 
Client - Elysian Brewing Company
Elysian Brewing - Paper Stop Motion Commercial

Elysian Brewing - Paper Stop Motion Commercial
