This is an illustration I created for #BADTASTE2022 exhibition, curated by Meet The Kawan together with 25 artists from different countries including Malaysia, Singapore, UK & Japan. We were challenged to interpret the topic by playing with the word "bad" and "taste". So here's my response to the challenge!
2020, Procreate, 29.7 x 42cm
The one who is mostly affected by bad taste is the people who pay attention enough to aesthetics, or the one who appreciates art; who are mostly designers, artists or creatives alike. However, bad taste is subjective. Everybody has their own standard of good or bad taste. There will always be something out there which doesn't suit well with yours. Bad taste is inevitable, and the best you can really do is to try your best to cope with it.

The term 'Bad Taste' also sounds like a name of a condition or a disease. I've seen old illustrated advertisements for remedy of bad breath, bad body odor, bad sleep quality and thinking it would be interesting if I create the same kind of advertisement for bad taste remedy. So there you go, "Let It Go" natural essential oil, The great bad taste reliever.

 Whenever you encounter some discomfort & anxiety caused by the work of someone else's bad taste—someone is using too much Comic Sans? Unbearable color clash? Street signs with bad kernings? Questionable fashion taste? Apply this oil immediately to calm your nerves. Instant relief. Always works like wonders!

The Great Bad Taste Reliever


The Great Bad Taste Reliever



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