- This is engaged art - an installation engaged in solving its current cultural problems -

This installation tries to fight the unreal image AR filters create on the internet, BDD and many unhealthy standards imposed on today's boys and girls.

This installation is consisted of 14 mirrors hung on panels, deployed in a way so that they imply a path. 13 of the mirrors are manipulated so that they imitate the digital manipulation of some of the AR filters popular on Instagram. Some are chemically and physically treated, some have stickers and others distort the image from a certain angle. The 14th mirror gives back a real image. The mirrors and the panels are loosely connected - allowing for the mirrors to quiver, thus slightly changing the background behind the viewer suggesting what AR filters do to reality.
The mirror which distorts the most is placed closest to the street - the processed face, the untreated mirror is placed deep in the garden - the unprocessed self.
references: the works of Ai WeiWei, Anish Kapoor, Jenny Holzer ("Use what is dominant in a culture to change it quickly")...



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