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Questions To Always Ask Your Insurance
Protecting yourself or your most important assets is an essential step to creating a solid plan financially, and insurance policies help will take you a long way in safeguarding it.

Insurance policies are the most important decisions of your life. You must invest in insurance policies that will make your life easier and fruitful in the long run. 

However, you might not be sure precisely what kind of policies will be protecting you, your business, and your family. 

Here comes our expert, insurance agent. 

An insurance agent has the specialized knowledge to help you with your insurance policies. Not sure where, when, and how to start your insurance policies? 

Questioning your insurance agent is right! 

You will probably be investing in an insurance policy once in your lifetime, and you might have lots of questions to ask. It's human nature to ask questions, especially when you spend a lot of money. Supposedly, you are willing to buy a phone. You will look at ten different phones-it's price ranges, features, cameras, etc. before buying, and may consult phone experts too.

Likewise, the best person you can ask about insurance policies is your insurance agent to get appropriate answers. 

Here are six questions you can always ask your insurance agent:- 
1. What are the Benefits of Policy? 

The first question you might want to ask your insurance agent is about the policy's benefits. When you invest in insurance policies, you must know what benefits you will avail of through the respective policies.

Also, question your insurance agent about the cover amount, calculated policy returns, the amount paid to your loved ones in your absence, and the best plan for you according to your lifestyle. 

2. What is my premium?

You must know how much it will cost you to be insured and what the insurer offers payment options and paying frequencies. 

Premium is a fixed amount of money charged by the insurer to you as the cost of coverage. You can pay it on a monthly, regular intervals, yearly, or one-time basis. It is also the amount to be paid by the insurer in uncertain situations for protection from a loss, hazard, or any harm covered in the insurance contract.

3. Is any medical test required?

You must know if any medical tests are required for buying the insurance policies. If yes, ask your insurance agent about how the medical analysis will conduct and, most importantly, who will pay for the same. 

Most life insurances require a medical exam. That helps the insurance company to analyze the risk and set your premium. Usually, they need standard tests like height and weight measurements, blood tests, and urine tests.

There are insurance companies that do not require medical exams. However, they might charge you a higher premium and cover lesser risks. The policyholder should undergo medical tests even if the insurance policy does not require it. That will help you to avoid any future disparities and help you to raise the sum amount.
4. What happens if I don't pay my premium?

You need to know how unforeseen situations affect your policy's terms and conditions. It is recommended to ask your insurance agent about the premium payment options, the grace period to pay the premium. And, what will happen if you cannot pay the compensation due to financial crises

5. Can I avail any additional benefits? 

You must always ask if there are any multi-policy benefits/discounts to avail yourself. Can you bundle policies to save premium? Make him walk you through all the guidelines and then decide upon it.

These additional benefits are called riders. It can be bought and included in your policy, allowing you several benefits. For example, riders may cover certain uncertainties such as accidents, waiver of premium benefit, or critical illness. 

6. What is my deductible?

Simply put, the deductible is the amount the policyholder needs to pay out of their pocket before you can claim from the insurance company. 

A deductible is a must in all kinds of insurance policies. It offers a few advantages for you. First, if you pay more deductibles, it will lower the monthly premium of your policy. That will help you save a ton of money in the long run! 

So, ask about your deductible.
Bonus Question: Do I require an umbrella policy? 

Umbrella policies protect you by providing additional excess coverage over the normal limits of liability policies. It's essential to protect your existing and future personal assets. So question your agent whether an umbrella policy is required to cover or not?

Lastly, congratulations to you for investing in insurance policies and securing a future!



