Cable Shows for The Disney Channel

location:  NCTA Cable Shows. New Orleans, LA.
area: 60 ft x 70 ft
completed: 1997
strategic marketing and design: Heritage Exhibits, Andrew Birch, Creative Director
construction and logistics: Heritage Exhibits
photo: Skip Wight

In collaboration with Disney's marketing and imagineering teams, this experience was designed to launch and heighten awareness for the new Disney Channel at NCTA 1997 in New Orleans, LA.

It was enhanced, updated with new branding, and reconfigured in subsequent years as the channel's programming evolved. The original experience included a live Disney Animator sketch artist in "Mickeys Hat",  Photo opportunities for attendees took place in the windows of the new Disney Channel logo. A deep dive private conference room in which participants were plunged "under the sea" and large Goofy video towers showcased the latest programming to attendees and the press.

The Disney Channel


The Disney Channel
