Throughout my life when I have wanted to reflect my inner world I have used all possible ways to express myself. I paint, I write, I dance, I take pictures, I do theater, tik-toks or I cook.  All this led me to use video and social networks, there converge the thousand ways to express the world that lives in my head.

I like to reflect the beauty of things. I like to capture the beautiful moments so I can remember them when I grow up. If I'm on my cell phone I like to do productive things and I know that this will help me grow. A 30-second video can sum up how I feel and inspire others. It's good to try different things and there are a lot of ways to express yourself. The more I try the more ideas and new ways of doing it come up.

I've always thought that if I start making videos at a young age, I'll keep making more and more until I get to a point where I'm really good at it. Everything I do helps me grow to get a unique and personal point of view. So when I have an idea to create something I imagine how I'm going to finish it. I see in my head what the result is going to look like and I start doing it. I know it's going to turn out well and even if I go through a thousand paths and my idea changes, I trust myself and in the end I get what I want. I am willing to continue on this path.



