The Sunken Web is my portfolio website designed and developed using HTML, CSS3, PHP, Javascript, and jQuery programming languages. The jQuery and Javascript programming consists of fixed navigation links using on-click event handling to scroll to specific elements within the webpage. I added a parallax effect in order to enhance the feeling that the user is submerging down to the sea floor as you scroll down to the bottom of the page. 
When you click the fixed navigation to the right, an on-click event handler scrolls to either my work in web design, graphic design, and contact page. 
I decided to use Lightbox to display my work in Web Design and Graphic Design. On-hovers lets the user see which project they are about to view and once clicked, enhanced images with full project description are displayed nicely. 
My contact page imitates the sea floor. I used form validations with HTML, CSS3, and Javascript in order for the users name, message, and valid email addresses to be required before the form is sent using PHP. 
Please feel free to visit The Sunken Web
The Sunken Web

The Sunken Web

The Sunken Web is my portfolio website designed with HTML, CSS3, jQUERY, Javascript, and PHP.
