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What are the Benefits of Hiring a Wedding Planner?

Many women spend years planning their dream wedding in their heads. When it comes down to the reality of tackling all of the many moving pieces and parts that come with planning an event as big as a wedding, however, it can become overwhelming. Having a vision of the finished product is a far cry from making all of the many decisions that go into seeing it become a reality. That's why, no matter how big or small your event may be, hiring a wedding planner can save you an enormous amount of time, energy, and stress. Here are three benefits to hiring a wedding planner. 

They already know everything you are going to need
Do you know who pays for the rehearsal dinner, how much a wedding will cost you per guest, which bakeries make the best cakes, where all of the best venues are, and how to get the best prices? A wedding planner can help save you an enormous amount of time doing all the legwork you would otherwise have to do, just gathering all of your options before you even get to the point of making a decision. 

They have contacts you don't
Wedding planners are deeply embedded in the fabric of the wedding industry. They can not only help you find options that fit your budget, but they can also help you get better options on a smaller budget. They may have photographers on tap that will give you a discount or venue managers that can help you secure a date at an impossible-to-book location. Even when they don't have a specific contact for certain items on your checklist, they still know the ins and outs of getting the best deals. 

They leave you free to just enjoy your big day
No matter how much time you spend planning a wedding, your wedding day itself will be a flurry of activity with dozens of moving pieces and parts. With a capable wedding planner in charge, a bride is free to just focus on getting herself ready and let her wedding planner handle all of the potential catastrophes and disasters. With a capable enough wedding planner at the helm, the bride need never know about any of them.
What are the Benefits of Hiring a Wedding Planner?

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Wedding Planner?


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