Ara Dizon's profile

Boere Kaas Gouda

Objective: Select an existing cheese brand and redesign its label to up face value and boost sales. Freedom to rename, but must design with equity in mind and stay within a relatively low budget.
Solution: Idea of tulips and windmills maintained for equity—allows old customers to recognize that there was a change in design but no sacrifice in quality. Flat folk art theme was implemented into new design to convey idea of homemade and family. Previously known as Winchester Cheese Co., the new name was taken from within its tagline: "Boere Kaas!" (meaning: homemade). Color scheme follows accordingly using colors that are most widely associated with Holland.
Photography by Paige Hermreck
Boere Kaas Gouda

Boere Kaas Gouda

Cheese rebrand project for the Package Design II course at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA.
