Bandit Burger was a made up food van I created an entire advertisign campaign for. Using guerrilla advertising, I wanted to create a total experience for the customers of Bandit Burger - bringing together Bandit Burger customers in a "mutiny" against all local competition. Posters, stickers, caution tape and an app were all part of the campaign in "outlawing" competition and rising to the top.
These two posters would be huge and adhered to front of buildings and windows.
The top stickers are advertising stickers for Bandit Burger. Below are the Mutiny supplies such as stickers and caution tape which would be distributed to customers with meals and then encouraged to be used in defacing "enemy"/competition's property in a slightly illegal but super fun customer experience.
Above are my designs for the Bandit Burger Van, keeping the funky fun vibe
This app would be to track the Bandit Burger Van, report sightings for rewards and also join the mutiny and track their defacement of "outlawed" propertys.
Bandit Burger

Bandit Burger

This is an advertising campaign for a food van using guerrilla marketing.
