During the summer of 2013, I worked at Long Lake Camp for The Arts in New York State, where I was the digital arts teacher, yearbook designer and a bunk counselor. This project shows the progression of the yearbook from my interview ideas to the final product. This 300 page book was created by myself, our Photographer (Kim Davey) and our Editor (Margot Connolly), with the use of additional photographs by our Media person (Ally Boyd).
The above images show the yearbook cover mockups that I sent to one of the camp directors as part of the interview process. I was given one day to come up with a theme and cover for them to gauge my skills, creativity and dedication. I chose the theme 'Fairground' and tried to incorporate American colours and elements of the Long Lake area.
The above images show the initial cover ideas that myself and the photographer came up with and created. The theme that was decided upon for the yearbook was 'Space/Sci-fi'. We were given certain guidelines to work within to imrpove our covers, such as including a photograph or representation of the Camp grounds/layout, and incorporating the Adventure branch of the Camp as well as the Arts branch.
This was the final chosen cover for the yearbook, selected by the camp directors.
The front cover of the yearbook.
The above photographs show the main pages within the yearbook. These template pages were repeated in sequence for each Session throughout the summer and modified to suit the content.
Long Lake Camp Yearbook
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Long Lake Camp Yearbook

A 300-page yearbook designed for an American summer camp.

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