Akbar Badmuss profil

Chef scully app- A UX case study

Chef Scully Bakery app - a UX case study
This case study explains my process in creating an App for a local bakery which enables users view menu and make orders of their desired baked goods from the Ideation to the concluding phase.

Project Overview

Chef Scully bakery is a vendor which produces baked goods in Abuja, Nigeria which strive to to make healthy, delicious and yet subtle items to its customers. The users would be able to;
search for desired items
make single and multiple orders
choose desired mode of delivery via the App.

The Problem

People often find it difficult to get freshly baked items and also wants to avoid the stress of getting stuck in traffic trying go get baked items.

The Goal

Chef Scully App is a users-friendly platform which gives notifies users when items are freshly baked and ready of purchase so they can make in app orders then decided to either get orders picked up in store or get it delivered at their homes.

My Role & Duration

Sole Ux designer responsible for Design thinking, Information Architecture, Visual designing, Prototyping and Testing.
Duration; Nov 2021-Jan 2022

My Design Process

Discover, ideate and Wireframe

To empathize with users find their needs and know pain points, user interview were scheduled and conducted while avoiding biases and feedbacks were gotten, Competitive analysis were also done which quickly turned into sketches and Lo-Fi wireframes.

Users Pain points

User Personas

Personas were create based on results of the research carried out

User journey Map

These are the steps and process the users take before reaching their desired goal
The design process


Took time to draft out several screens of the app on paper for quick iteration before proceeding to digital low fidelity wireframes ensuring the designs were strictly based on what users required,

Usability Test(low fidelity wireframes)

Lo-fi prototype

An unmoderated usability study was conducted with 5 participants which helped pin point problem areas, results were taken on note and an affinity map was created to identify patterns which lead to insights
High Fidelity

The design was improved on and refined to suit the needs of users and provide an easy user flow and navigation

Usability Test(Hi FI design)

The second usability study highlighted that users want to be able to select a desired time and date and so adjustment were made in this direction which. provide better experiences for users

The second usability study also showed the frustration of users not been able to see the price of an item before making a selection and prices were added to the item tags

This design was created with Accessibility in mind that puts users center and forward in other to create a design that gives each users a complete experience while using the Chef scully app

Key takeaways

While working on this project I learnt that usability studies are important and also to embrace the iterative nature of the design process
I also leant to put users center and forward by overcoming my own biases and create a product that is useful and accessible to everyone.
“Great app, I love it it really does solve a problem and is highly functional. I totally see myself using the Chef scully app” — review made by a after undergoing a usability study.

Next steps

next steps will include the following:
Conduct more research in order to find out where the app can improve drastically
Make the app available to everyone

Design Tools used
Google Docs
Google Spreadsheets
Maze(for usability testing)
Sticky notes for affinity maps

Thank you for going through my case study.
Chef scully app- A UX case study


Chef scully app- A UX case study
