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Illustrations for 'Doctor Skripka'

Illustrations for 'Doctor Skripka' by Maya Lazarenskaya

Children book, graphic design, book, cover, spreads, book illustration.
Creating a book for toddlers with my illustrations turned into an exciting adventure into the world of animals that have real-life counterparts. To breathe life into my illustrations and capture children's hearts, I began inventing characters, their world, personalities, and amusing dialogues, adding those nuances that are not present in the text.
It was akin to casting for a movie: I sought out the perfect "actors" among my friends with animals. With us even having a Sheltie dog, I'm well acquainted with their mannerisms. I even felt compelled to sculpt a few characters out of clay to infuse them with even more life and emotion.
Delving into the minutiae, I aimed to create illustrations that were lively, detailed, and bursting with personality.
Thank you for watching!

Illustrations for 'Doctor Skripka'

Illustrations for 'Doctor Skripka'
