Harriet Lam's profile

ctrl; me | Organic Tampon Brand

🕵🏻‍♀️ Target audience: Working Millennials between age 25-35
📁 Snippet of project:

Introducing “ctrl; me” — an organic tampon brand for working millennials who are often being tied down by responsibilities, be it money, time or relationships. "ctrl; me” provides body freedom for women where they are not to be restricted or tied down by the label of a “woman”. Instead of being told what women cannot do, they show what women can do best at their prime time.
💭 Problem(s) encountered:

How to challenge the stigma/negative associations of menstrual products?

1) Colour palettes: no reds, only pinks
2) Visual semiotics: overly feminine assets (e.g. flowers, butterflies and feminine women running with a pony tail)

1) In order to target the Millennials (instead of the younger audience), details have been made in balancing the tone of the colours chosen. Instead of using “highly-saturated” reds and blues, a more muted shade has been chosen - subtle, yet full of character that doesn’t undermine the preference of a more mature audience.

2) With “Liberating women of the 21st century” as the central idea, splashes of paint and clouds in different shapes and forms are used as the main design features on the packaging. This brings millennials back to the mentality of a kid, where they are full of imagination with the freedom of expressions - no overbearing expectations, but getting strength through their free-spirited thinking.
🏁Highlights / taglines:

"You can't control me. Period." & "Liberating women of the 21st century"
Thank you for visiting 🤍
ctrl; me | Organic Tampon Brand


ctrl; me | Organic Tampon Brand
