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Final selection of illustrations of 2021


Illustrations for magazines etc.

Magazyn Pismo, Tygodnik Powszechny, Miesięcznik Znak, Wolna Sobota
The Skinny Magazine, Wyborcza.pl, Zupełnie Inny Świat​​​​​​​

Cover illustration for Miesięcznik Znak

Cover illustration for Wolna Sobota magazine for Christmas issue

Illustrations for Tygodnik Powszechny for short story 'On' written by Andrzej Stasiuk

Illustrations for Tygodnik Powszechny for an article about people with depression written by Przemysław Wilczyński

Illustrations for Tygodnik Powszechny for an article about people who lost their children written by Jacek Taran

Illustration for The Skinny for a book review of The End: Surviving the World Through Imagined Disasters by Katie Goh

Illustration for Magazyn Pismo for an article 'Stare buty' written by Joanna Bator

Illustrations for Wyborcza.pl

Illustration for Zupełnie Inny Świat for an article about Finnish weird written by Piotr Paczkowski



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Final selection of illustrations of 2021
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Final selection of illustrations of 2021

Final selection of illustrations created in 2021, mostly editorial

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