I need water       2010

36 rubinetti realizzati con vari tipi di cibo o  materiali organici: 1' quadrato: confetti, alghe, farro, pepe rosa 2' : camomilla, cibo per canarini, pasta di soia, malva 3' : erba cipollina, orzo, lenticchie verdi, all bran 4' : sale grosso, muesli, pastina, pepe nero 5' : fieno, polenta, semi di lino, carote essiccate 6' : caffè, pane secco, grano saraceno, zucchero 7' : the, riso bianco, prezzemolo, zuccherini colorati 8' : cous cous, semi di finocchio, peperoncino, fagioli di soia 9' : crusca, miglio, riso nero, lenticchie rosse.

36 taps  made with various types of food or other organic materials: 1 'square: silver candy, seaweed, barley, pink pepper 2 ' : chamomile, food for canaries, soybean paste, mallow 3 ' : chives, barley, green lentils, all bran 4 ' : salt, muesli, pasta, black pepper 5 ' : hay, polenta, flax seeds, dried carrots 6 ' : coffee, bread, buckwheat, sugar 7 ' : tea, rice, parsley, candy 8 ' : couscous, fennel seeds, pepper, soybeans 9 ' : bran, millet, black rice, red lentils.

I need water

I need water

36 taps fixed to a plywood (consisting of 9 squares), made with various types of food or other organic materials


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