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An.niversary—Ann Hsu 許瑋甯內著品牌規劃

An.niversary—Ann Hsu 許瑋甯內著品牌
許瑋甯 (Ann Hsu,1984年8月7日) 台灣女演員、模特兒,有台灣、義大利、美國的血統。2007 年,於中國文化大學中國戲劇學系畢業。
2003 年,許瑋甯以模特兒身分出道。2004 年起,許瑋甯轉戰戲劇,並以模特兒身分朝向藝人及演員發展。2014 年憑電影《相愛的七種設計》提名第 51 屆金馬獎「最佳新演員獎」。2015 年憑電視劇《16 個夏天》,獲第 50 屆金鐘獎「最佳女配角獎」。2016 年憑電影《紅衣小女孩》、《失控謊言》和《世紀末的華麗》獲第 18 屆台北電影節「最佳女主角獎」。
於 2014 年踏入電影圈,四年內分別以《相愛的七種設計》、《紅衣小女孩》與《紅衣小女孩 2》分別獲得金馬獎最佳新演員獎、最佳女主角獎和最佳女配角獎的大滿貫提名,是繼舒淇和桂綸鎂後再次較受電影圈矚目的台籍中生代女演員。

2021年,創立個人品牌An.niversary,主打女性貼身衣著,希望將健康的性感帶入亞州女性審美。而品牌名字正是因為自己的英文名字是Ann,而anniversary又是紀念日的意思。 她相信每個人的生活中都有大大小小數不清的紀念日,但大家卻總常忘了好好慶祝屬於自己最重要的每一個時刻。

Ann Hsu (Ann Hsu, August 7, 1984) Taiwanese actress and model, with Taiwanese, Italian, and American descent. In 2007, graduated from the Department of Chinese Drama, Chinese Culture University.In 2003, Xu Weining debuted as a model. Since 2004, Tiffany Hsu switched to drama, and developed as an artist and actor as a model. In 2014, he was nominated for the "Best New Actor Award" at the 51st Golden Horse Awards with the movie "Seven Designs in Love". In 2015, she won the "Best Supporting Actress Award" at the 50th Golden Bell Awards for her TV series "16 Summers". In 2016, she won the "Best Actress Award" at the 18th Taipei Film Festival for her films "Little Girl in Red", "Out of Control Lies" and "Gorgeous at the End of the Century".Entered the film industry in 2014, and won the Golden Horse Award for Best New Actor and Best Actress for "Seven Designs in Love", "The Little Girl in Red" and "The Little Girl in Red 2" within four years. Nominated for the Grand Slam and Best Supporting Actress Award, they are Taiwanese Mesozoic actresses who have attracted more attention in the movie circle after Shu Qi and Gui Lunmei.In 2021, the personal brand An.niversary was established, focusing on women's underwear, hoping to bring healthy and sexy into Asian women's aesthetics. The brand name is precisely because his English name is Ann, and anniversary means anniversary. She believes that everyone has innumerable anniversaries in their lives, but everyone always forgets to celebrate each of their most important moments.

An.niversary—Ann Hsu 許瑋甯內著品牌規劃


An.niversary—Ann Hsu 許瑋甯內著品牌規劃
