Profil użytkownika „Maxim Aginsky”

Posters. The Aginsky identity arrowww . space 17

The ℗arrowww v17 posters include both textual and graphic elements. These promotions of ideas developed based on the new personal identity for Maxim Aginsky under ℗ v17 vision. 
There is a principle that I have established and used as the base for the development of this identity - the first sketch of the idea is the final piece that does not need to be improved, but is good as it is. This is to highlight, to prove or to verify, that the sketch of the composition can be as powerful as the polished artwork. Every story is unique, the visual language will just benefit the story, but can not replace it. Concept is everything, realization is only marketing.
1. It's the accidental that initiates the serendipitous. Be open to the unexpected !
2. Every work is an arrow I shoot with the hope of understanding the purpose of all this
3. Every story is unique
4. When you stop, you do not exist. Life is movement. Do not stop !
5. Waterfall is a natural way of developing things
6. Every work lighting my world. While I work, light is here
7. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you
8. I shot forward, but got it accidentally to my back
Posters. The Aginsky identity arrowww . space 17

Posters. The Aginsky identity arrowww . space 17

The ℗arrowww v17 posters include both textual and graphic elements. These promotions of ideas developed based on the new personal identity for Ma Rozwiń
