Perfil de HuiXin 惠欣

Pretty"UGLY" - Final Project (AR, Website, Illustation)

Pretty"UGLY" - Final Project
(AR (Augmented reality) , Website, Illustation, Instagram Filters and Mobile AR Application)

To showcase the aesthetic standard of body and face image of Malaysia through tech elements.

People trying to hit the aesthetic standard of body and face image in Malaysia, and forget their own unique beauty. People always show their perfect side on social media.

To explore negative aesthetic standards of body and face image in Malaysia can still be considered beautiful through tech elements.

Concept Board

Firstly, let's read through the Concept Board to represent this whole project.


Now, let's watch a showreel to represent this whole project.

Pretty “Ugly” is an argumented reality (AR) mobile app.The app can be downloaded by scanning the QR code. Users can experience the AR through animations and sound effect.

How To Use?

Step 01 :
The app can be downloaded by scanning the QR code.

Step 02 :
Launch augmented reality (AR) app.

Step 03 :
Scan the character.​​​​​​​

Let's Try Scan In Real Life

Step 04 :
Now experience augmented reality (AR) through animations and sound effects.

Scan It Now!


Let's watch a Prototype to see the animation when you scan the character.

Website Showcase

This web is to bring out the information of the project.
The users can scan the character on the website and experience the AR.

Full Website Walkthrough :

Menu (Animation) :

Instagram Filter 01 : "I am so prerry!"
Face Filters encourage promotion and traffic to the Web Showcase.
Try it now!! 

Instagram Filter 02 : "What's The Beauty In You?"
Quirky and Fun Filter, with Game to attract interest of users.
Try it now!! 

Instagram Filter 03 : "You Look So?"
Quirky and Fun Filter, with Game to attract interest of users.
Try it now!! 


Hope you like and enjoy my Pretty"UGLY" - Final Project.
Follow me on Instagram to see my life as a design student.

Pretty"UGLY" - Final Project (AR, Website, Illustation)


Pretty"UGLY" - Final Project (AR, Website, Illustation)

Pretty"UGLY" - Final Project (AR (Augmented reality) , Website, Illustation, Instagram Filters and Mobile AR Application) Insight : This project Leer más
