Imprenta "La Fleca"
The "La Fleca" project aims to produce a collector's piece telling the story of this landmark establishment in the town of Reus. 

The project was set up with the intention of reviving these stories popular in 19th-century Catalan society, handling the content in an attractive way while maintaining the original appearance of the material printed at La Fleca. It is also a homage to the printer's trade and to paper as a basic material in design and 
a means of communicating feelings and emotions.

The output of La Fleca included a vast array of printed material of all kinds, from "romances" to fulls de rengle (strips showing processions, rows of soldiers and the like), prayer books and popular history. It also published a series of small books derived from romances, the "Nueva Galería Histórica" in which most of the titles were romances with colourful covers, very much a feature of La Fleca. These popular stories, which were romances rather than part works or episodes, include for example those about the bandits Portela and Pernales, the romance Rosaura and stories of the colonial war in Africa.

Triomf Display
Romanços de canya i cordill were a popular form of novels, poems and songs, which hawkers recited or sang to sell them. Reus was ahead of all other towns with the exception of Barcelona in having its own locally-produced romances: the first printed romance from Reus dates from 1750, and was produced by Rafael Compte.
Imprenta "La Fleca"
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Imprenta "La Fleca"

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