Hometown Rebrand: Medford MA
Integrating personal meaning and general data to reflect a city and its citizens
Current Logo for Medford Massachusetts
Diving Into The Thought Process
Creating an identity for a city is difficult, how does one really nail down its essence, and represent the citizens properly? However, there can be even more pressure when you in fact are a citizen, living there pretty much your whole life. You have your own biases, holding so much meaning in each part, spanning through out years of memories, good and bad. Despite still living there, since graduating high school, I spend a lot less time in Medford, and more in the Boston area. I was happy with this decision, since I felt by the end of senior year, I was tired of being there, and had associated it with only negative emotions and memories.

When lock down was in effect, I was once again stuck in Medford, and within that time, I was able to properly reflect and reconnect with the city.  Through it's education, easy access, and its lush green landscapes, it gave me opportunities to experiment, find my passions, and meet the people who make me who I am today. 

This logo redesign is catered mainly to represent Medford's public educational programs from grade k12, offering a safe city, where student and teachers can thrive, from the sciences to the arts. With loads of greenery spaces and playgrounds, children are often able to be involved in physical activates, sports and nature. There are over 17 public schools alone, as well as private schools, and Tufts University. 

This logo would ideally be used for student orientated activities, such as field day, fundraisers and even sporting events. It is a logo for the students and educators of the city, who fuel it to be one of safest and the best places for passionate, meaningful, education. 

Here are two proposal pamphlets I created documenting Medford's info, environment, and two separate directions to take with the brand. In the end, I mostly chose the direction of first pamphlet, with its public education being a forefront, but took some elements of the second pamphlet, with incorporating Medford's rich greeneries and parks.

Below is the final logo rebrand for Medford Massachusetts.
The logomark is a hand-lettered design that I carefully crafted.

Hometown Rebrand

Hometown Rebrand
