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Deeply Fruit / Package Design + Brand Identity

Deeply Fruit
— Package Design + Brand Identity, 2021
— Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
— Graphis New Talent Awards, 2023

Objective —
To design a 4x4 foldable cube food package that can be stored in the pantry

About —
Deeply Fruit is a brand specialized to provide premium dried fruit packages to their customers. Collaborating with local farms from across the country as well as from other countries, Deeply Fruit promises to provide 100% sun-dried fruits without any added sugars or other preservatives.

Process —
After researching existing dried fruit brands, there was a realization that the majority used photography showing fresh fruit, which does not align with what is actually being offered in the package. In order to avoid any confusion and stand out from other competitors, the whole package takes an intuitive approach with vivid colors and geometric shapes that are assigned to each type of fruit: strawberry, pineapple, orange, apple, and raisin. The blurry effect is applied to show how the final product comes from fresh fruit (no preservatives or added sugars) and that it goes through dehydration under the sun to become the snack that is in the package.

For the interior graphics, the aim is to depict the shapes of the fruits in the process of being dried, and the blurry effect is a continuation from the exterior graphics. The curved corner of the interior packaging imitates the process of drying, as fresh, rounded fruit becomes chewy fruit with sharper edges and corners.

The “about” section is attached to provide more details on what the consumer should expect inside the package and some statistical facts and short explanations to reassure consumers about the myth that dried fruit is not as healthy as fresh fruit. The trifold booklet will appear once the wings of the box are opened; it gives a warm welcome and an overview on the brand story to the consumer prior to experiencing the full package.
Deeply Fruit / Package Design + Brand Identity

Deeply Fruit / Package Design + Brand Identity
