Travis Clarke's profile

Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness
digital painting
How far would you go to be happy?

Sometimes we leap and reach out, with our fingers, with our hearts, towards happiness of an ephemeral nature. At times we manage to capture this emotion and our restless endeavors are rewarded. Occasionally we only manage to a seize a piece of it,—a constellation feather from the fleeting forces that compose our aspirations. Other times happiness fades or slips through our fingers completely and leaves us in free fall. 

That fall doesn't prevent us from trying again. As Ray Bradbury put it, we "build our wings on the way down." I believe we build our wings so that we may take flight and pursue, again, and again.
Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

How far would you go to be happy? Sometimes we leap and reach out, with our fingers, with our hearts, towards happiness of an ephemeral nature. Read More
