Jen Ramona Zhangs profil

The Vitality of Honey Bees

The Vitality of Honey Bees is an information graphic pamphlet that educates individuals on the importance of honey bees. I focused on examining the number of declines in Canada throughout the years as well as the many causes that contribute to it. I also illustrated the crops that are most dependent on honey bee pollination and compared Canada's statistics with the United States. As we open the pamphlet, we reveal half a poster where a boy is left with poorly grown crops and is surrounded by a lack of vegetation. By making the last move to open the pamphlet, we see a girl in much better circumstances, essentially, we only have to make simple little steps to contribute to the recovery of honey bee population.
iPad Mockup
Utilizing digital publishing software, I created an interactive iPad version based on my pamphlet. By considering iPad proportion and usability, I was able to understand the complexity of creating designs across different platforms. Watch the vimeo video to see how it works!
The Vitality of Honey Bees